Denver REI Nutriton on Your Bike Talk.

Last night I gave a talk with my friend and mentor, John Hughes.   We spoke at the Denver REI store about what to eat while riding your bike 100-200 miles (me) and about how to set up your training so that you can accomplish such a long event (John).

We were asked to speak by our local cycling club, Rocky Mountain Cycling This cycling club is a premier road bicycling club for Colorado and the Denver/Boulder Front Range, offering a full range of rides for active, enthusiastic cyclists of intermediate and advanced levels and interests. A great bunch of people and riders. It is also where we do our randonnuering rides, You know, those silly rides I do that are distances from 100km to 1200km.

Back to the talk. If you go to John's website you can see what he went over about training and riding in an event around 100 miles to 200 miles. He's a fantastic coach and has been a friend and mentor of mine for  about 15 or so years.

I'll post my presentation at my "Articles" area on my website. Check it out.

Hope to give more talks soon as we get into the riding season. Too, I'll post photos when I get them loaded onto the computer.