Cycling in Winter.

Winter riding can be tricky (staying warm and dry) when the temperatures are between 35 and 50 degrees. Layering is so important.

I like to layer starting with marino wool, adding a thicker long sleeve cycling jersey over the base layer and then adding a good breathable wind jacket on top. Making sure all of these layers breath well, when hitting the rollers.

Keep your head warm. Under my Rudy Project helmet I like to wear a cap or some sort of protection like Buff headwear. Including covering your eyes from the chilly wind. I also like all of the eyewear Rudy Project has to offer. 

Hands and feet are hard for me to keep warm. If I know it will be under 40 degrees I tend to wear cycling mittens and use a thin pair of gloves inside the mitten.

For feet? I prefer wool socks covered in a pair of pantyhose. Yup, you read that correctly. They keep my feet toasty and the wool absorbs any sweat and breaths. I also top off the shoes with a good pair of winter cycling booties.

Have fun, stay warm and dress for the conditions.